Ben Ribble


Post By Ben

5 Steps to Kick a Bad Habit

5 Steps to Kick a Bad Habit

Breaking bad habits is achievable with perseverance, willpower, and determination. First, ensure you genuinely want to change and write down your motivation. Track your progress in a journal, identifying triggers and alternative behaviors. Gradually replace the bad habit and seek support from family and friends. Celebrate when you succeed.

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A Surprising Fact about How to Form New Habits

A Surprising Fact about How to Form New Habits

Developing new habits often takes more than just a few weeks. Scientific methods can help, involving strategies like planning ahead, being consistent, identifying triggers, and developing substitutions. Advanced methods include practicing self-compassion, teaming up for support, keeping a journal, removing temptations, creating obstacles against bad habits, and taking vacations for fresh starts.

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Breaking Negative Habits – One Day at a Time

Breaking Negative Habits – One Day at a Time

This content discusses the difficulty of overcoming bad habits and provides strategies for change. By setting mini-goals and gradually reducing negative behaviors like overeating carbs or smoking, individuals can regain control. Techniques include incremental reductions and rewarding success. Tracking progress and maintaining motivation are key to breaking negative patterns and achieving lasting change.

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